Uinapikua is a Purépecha term that means strength, understood as a perpetual creative energy. For this commission from the MUAC, Colectivo Cherani (Alain Silva Guardian, Ariel Pañeda Macías, Bethel Cucué, Francisco Huaroco, Giovanni Fabián Guerreo), has put together an assemblage of 75 mural panels. The ensemble itself is a reflection of the complex relationship between individuality and collectivity found in their practice. On April 15, 2011, the Purépecha community of Cherán decided to rise up in defiance of violent threats from organized crime-backed loggers and corrupt politicians. Given the negligence of the Mexican state, the safety and future of the town's residents became a collective responsibility. For this exhibition, five of the most active members of Colectivo Cherani have been commissioned by the MUAC to produce a piece that explores the adventure their community has embarked upon from a variety of perspectives, articulated as a mosaic of images and allegories.